Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Letter to Myself

Most people like to write letters to their younger selves, reflecting back on what they shouldn’t have stressed so much over or why didn’t they just leave that stupid boy. However, I feel that I am in my prime age to make mistakes, twenty. I still have so much learning to do and still have so much to figure out so I have decided to write a letter to me, right now in this moment and maybe it will help you too.

Dear Me,
Look how far you’ve come! You’ve accomplished so many things that seemed nearly impossible in the moment, yet you still have so much self doubt. Will you make the grades? Well let’s think, you’ve always pulled through with an A or B when you constantly thought you weren’t smart enough. You got the internship that you had been dreaming about since you were 15! You have a loving puppy that brings so much joy into your life (even though she’s a little monster) and you live in a home with a man that truly loves you.
Through all these amazing triumphs you are still riddled with self doubt, and you know what, that is okay. You are only 20. You still have so much life ahead of you and you are going to have some rocky spots. You shouldn’t know exactly what you want to do with your life. Change your major three or four times, that’s okay! This time in your life is for learning and exploring and figuring out who you are. And for the love of all things holy please stop comparing yourself to other people. They may be skinnier and in a different life stage than you and that is perfectly fine. Good for them, but you should only be focusing on what’s good for you.
You were put on this Earth for a reason and you will figure out that reason, one day. It doesn’t have to be right now. Just focus on the now and soon everything will seemingly just fall into place. Worrying does no good except to give you those awful sores in your mouth and send you spiraling.
If you start really focusing on the present, indulging yourself in every sweet second that has been given to you, you will live a much happier, less stressful life, guaranteed! It’s not going to be easy and it will take some time, but boy will it be worth it.



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