Friday, July 20, 2018

10 Things That Make Me Feel Better When I feel Anxious

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  1. Cuddling my puppy
    • She snores a lot and likes to sleep right in the middle of my bed, but she is honestly the best snuggler.
  2. Listening to contemporary christian music full blast 
    • Nothing makes your heart feel more whole than worshiping God. In my experience, a lot of songs speak to the fact that it's also okay for your heart to hurt for a bit, but God’s love will always put you back together.
  3. Looking at flowers.
    • And all plants really. They are just so beautiful.
  4. Watching puppy/dog videos.
    • Puppies are the purest things in this universe and no one can change my mind, With that, watching them trip over their own feet or get a little too excited chasing a ball is one of the funniest things, trust me.
  5. Watching baby videos
    • This kind’ve goes along the same lines as number four. I fully believe that there is nothing that a baby’s laugh can’t fix. Nothing.
  6. Watching my favorite movie on repeat.
    • Which in my case is Disney’s Tangled. I would not even no approximately how many times I have watched that movie, but if I had to guess it would be in the hundreds. I can quote the whole movie word for word. And yes I am twenty. And yes I am 100% not ashamed of my love for the adventures of Maximus and Pascal.
  7. Reading Poetry
    • A lot of poets (like Madisen Kuhn, my fave) speak to dealing with mental illnesses and sometimes that's what you need, someone elses viewpoints on struggling so you know you're not alone. Just try to stay away from the really depressing poems, which I know are out there, because they can trap you in that low state. You can click the link to take a look at Madisen's first book,  Eighteen Years
  8. Eating big bowls of cereal and watching The Office.
    • Just try it one time. Pour yourself the biggest bowl of your favorite cereal. Put on your favorite episode of The Office and allow yourself to be swept away in the shenanigans of Dunder Mifflin. (Try season 5, episode 13)
  9. Exercise 
    • If you’re feeling really low to the point where brushing your teeth requires too much energy, start small, like just walking around your house for a few minutes. Just try to do anything that can get your endorphins pumping, because like the great Elle Woods once said “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t kill their husbands. They just don’t.”
  10. Remember that You Are Enough. You Are So Enough. It’s Unbelievable How Enough You Are.
    • Repeat that in your head over and over again until at least a molecule starts to believe it. You will get through this. You have before and you will again. You were put on this earth for a reason and you need to discover that reason, and fulfill it. Living and breathing might feel like the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do and you believe no one when they say that it eventually gets better, but try to believe them because it does. You are strong. You are loved. You are brave. Just keep fighting and we will make it through this. I need you, the universe needs you. So just keep swimming.

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